Labour Area

Labour and trade union law

Labour law is yet another operative area in which the Firm offers highly qualified professional advice. This requires constant updating owing to the considerable changes disciplining employer-employee relationships brought about by the need for greater flexibility called for by the market. The Firm, besides assisting the Client in the choice of the most suitable contractual model, according to the company’s needs, supports the employer in managing relationships with personnel and trade union representatives, offering preventive tutelage in the solution of extra-judicial controversies. In the event of a lawsuit the Firm offers qualified assistance in each level of judgement, both on the merits and legitimacy states.

Social security law

Social security cases have as their subject all disputes deriving from the application of regulations regarding social security, industrial accidents, work-related illnesses and every other form of obligatory social security. The opening of a dispute of this type is preceded by a preventive administrative phase which is carried out at the offices of the bodies concerned, INAIL (Italian National Insurance Institute for Industrial Accidents), and INPS (Italian National Insurance Institute for Social Security), which represent the main opponents to the company.
In order to effectively protect the Client, the Firm, after careful analysis of the concrete case in point, and in the light of the regulations and jurisprudence in the sector, assists the company during judicial and extrajudicial proceedings, in contestation and in sanctioning procedures adopted by the welfare, social security and inspectorial bodies (INAIL, INPS, Department of Labour).

Labour advice

Services regarding professional advice on labour:

  • processing of pay slips, with calculation and liquidation of illness, maternity leave and industrial/workplace accidents and severance/retirement bonus;
  • printing of Lul form (exclusive labour book);
  • processing of pay slips with insertion of precenses via remote procedure by the clients;
  • on-line publication of documents relating to the management of a company (pay slips, employees tax declaration forms, engagement contracts) in the section dedicated to clients;
  • processing of forms DM10, DM10/VIG, DMAG;
  • processing and telemanagement of INPGI declaration;
  • processing and telemanagement of ENPAIA declaration;
  • processing and telemanagement of declaration to the Building Fund Agency of territorial jurisdiction;
  • telemanagement of funds relating to additional insurances taken out by the employees;
  • processing and telemanagement of the declaration ENASARCO and FIRR;
  • processing and teleforwarding of UNIEMENS Form;
  • processing of F24 form;
  • compilation and teleforwarding to the Ministry of Labour obligatory communications regarding new hiring, terminations and transformations in employer-employee relationships (UniLav);
  • drawing up and delivery of individual work contracts, Form indicating chosen method of payment for termination of work indemnity, tax deduction form, privacy form, Application form for ANF, specialised employee identification card for the Building Sector;
  • processing and delivery of annual earnings and income tax return form (CUD);
  • preparation and drawing up of documentation concerning apprentices' fulfilment of obligatory training;
  • drawing up and telepresentation to INAIL (Italian National Institute for Industrial Accidents) of reports of accidents in the workplace;
  • drawing up and telepresentation to INAIL (Italian National Institute for Industrial Accidents) of reports of occupational disease;
  • management of all necessary steps in relation to the discipline of obligatory placements (L. n. 68/1999), with teledelivery of prospectus according to law;
  • drawing up and sending of liquidation sums established by INAIL;
  • endorsement of the accidents register;
  • preparation of different documents, as for example, variation in social security and/or welfare arrangements, request to the relevant INPS (National Institute for social security) and INAIL (Italian national institute for industrial accidents) for deferrable payment;
  • technical and one-party consultancy;
  • assistance during tax disputes at the Revenue Tribunal and the Financial Administration Offices;
  • drawing up and teleforwarding of simplified and ordinary 770 forms;
  • preparation of documents, drawing up and presentation of files regarding financing, tax credits, regional allowances, national allowances and Community allowances foreseen by current regulations.



Safety in the workplace

Thanks to the experience and qualified competence of its professionals, the Firm advises the enterprise in the evaluation of the risks linked to the exercise of its particular activity in defence of workers’ safety and health, assisting the Client in every phase, from the implementation of the Safety management system up to the procurement of the financial resources necessary for its complete realisation.