Tax and Fiscal Area

Accounting and tax regulations

Specialised consultancy services:

  • registration of accountancy documents;
  • registration of prime entries;
  • keeping of obligatory accounts books;
  • keeping of statutory books;
  • monthly VAT declaration with the arrangement, on laser print, of the by proxy authorisation of payment through F24 form;
  • keeping of the book of depreciable assets;
  • sending off of printouts for control of the position of clients/suppliers;
  • drawing up of company’s balance sheet;
  • procedures regarding consignment of company’s balance sheet at the offices of the relevant Authorities;
  • drawing up of balance sheets in conformity with Community regulations;
  • drawing up and sending of the forms regarding payment of annual Chamber fees;
  • updating, by fax or email, in matters concerning facilitations, funding and contribution relief at regional and national level;
  • technical and one-party advice;
  • assistance during tax litigation before the Revenue Tribunals (provincial and regional) and the Financial Administration offices;
  • drawing up and telesending of income tax return form MOD 760;
  • drawing up and telesending (on specific request), of personal tax declaration form 740;
  • preparation, drawing up and presentation (also telematic) of documents concerning funding, tax credit and any other facilitations deriving from regulations;
  • drawing up and telesending of lists of clients/suppliers.

Taxation consultancy

The Firm offers a professional advice service regarding tax-related obligations.
Specialised advice services:

  • management and supervision of tax issues related to direct and indirect taxation (calculation, declarations, contentious claims);
  • evaluation of the fiscal impact of the company's contractual ties, that is, the verification of the  legislation governing the sector, and the percentage weight of the tax disbursements on the company's profits;
  • fiscal planning.


Environmental accounting and social report

The Firm offers qualified training in the organisation of the environmental balance in order to better understand the system of the recording and management of information and environmental data, with reference to both public and private companies. The training also includes the writing of the social report, which is the expression of the company’s complex relationship with its stakeholders.


Third Sector

Our Law Firm deals with specific issues related to institutions, corporations and working in the Third Sector and carries out advisory activities in the legal, tax and business services to non-profit organizations and major donors.

The experience and expertise gained in this area have enabled to our Law Firm to actively participate in the evolution of the law of non-commercial entities and no profit organizations of social utility (ONLUS).

Our Law Firm provides assistance in the preparation of tax compliance, statutory and accounting of non-profit agencies and organizations such as associations, voluntary organizations, charities, foundations, cooperatives, nonprofit cooperatives and enterprises, as well as the advice of extrajudicial nature (legal opinions, contracts) and assistance in the procedures for the recognition of legal personality, and judicial assistance (patronage of institutions in front of the ordinary, administrative and tax Courts).